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Grades 3-10

1 h
45 US dollars

Service Description

The math tutoring session teaches the appropriate grade level mathematical operations for students in grades 3-10. Students (at each grade level) shall build on what they learned in previous grade levels for math. Mathematical operations consist of addition, subtract, multiplication and division in working with whole numbers; integers; decimals and fractions; evaluating numerical expressions; word problems; graphing equations; solving equalities and variables; multi-step inequalities; place values; understanding properties; finding value(s) using two variable equations; prime factoring; standard and scientific notation; rational numbers and absolute values; using logical reasoning; linear equations; use of Pythagorean Theorem; working with transformations and congruence; includes tutoring in Geometry, Algebra I/II, Calculus I/II/III; and "more". Math exercises are aligned with the student's learning ability and is student-paced. The online lessons are correlated with the student's school standards and in compliance with the State of Texas mandated curriculum standards. The tutoring session objective is to provide students with a solid foundation in mathematics.

Contact Details


Online Tutoring

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